Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vis augue posidonium no, unum nominavi partiendo no pro. An inermis percipit contentiones mea, ei duo facer sadipscing, no cum natum albucius. Verear sanctus sea ea, hinc verterem vituperatoribus ius cu. Verear sanctus sea ea, hinc verterem vituperatoribus ius cu. An inermis percipit contentiones mea, ei duo facer inermis percipit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vis augue posidonium no, unum nominavi partiendo no pro. An inermis percipit contentiones mea, ei duo facer sadipscing, no cum natum albucius. Verear sanctus sea ea, hinc verterem vituperatoribus ius cu. Verear sanctus sea ea, hinc verterem vituperatoribus ius cu. An inermis percipit contentiones mea, ei duo facer inermis percipit.

Easy Dose It is a mug that releases medication on a schedule for those with memory loss. Given that this target user has been permitted to remain in their own home as opposed to a hospital or retirement home, they are certain to have a caretaker, whether a professional or a family member. Every so often, according to medical needs (typically every week), the carer would insert the powdered medication into the segments corresponding to each dose. The fitted segmented portion would come in a variety of forms according to the patient's daily practices; cup, mug, and with a choice in quantity of segments, according to the frequency with which the patient must take their medicine.

Easy Dose It was designed to help those with memory loss seamlessly stay on track with their medication simply by continuing their existing daily practice of drinking tea or coffee. The fact that the mug seeps the user’s prescribed medicine on a schedule prevents them from missing a dose, as well as from taking one too many. By aiding to sustain their health, elderly users gain a greater possibility of ageing in their own home; a critical element to their peace, happiness and resulting wellbeing.

The inspiration for this project came from the unfortunate circumstances in which my own grandmother had begun to find herself in. Interviewing her, my grandfather and my mother (her caretaker) was the foundation of the project. Subsequently, came further interviews regarding comfort objects, ideation sketches, sketch models, CAD models and 3D prints. Ultimately, the cup would be molded in ceramic.

1.5" x 4" x 5"
Ceramic, timer, silicone seal.